
I am an M.Sc. student at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology advised by Prof. Aviv Tamar. I am interested in Reinforcement Learning (RL) and related representation learning research towards building general and adaptive decision-making agents.

Research questions I am currently drawn to involve how to incorporate structure in learning algorithms that facilitates sample efficient learning and generalization. Recently I have been studying object-centric structure in RL for generalization in multi-object robotic manipulation.

I completed my B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Physics at the Technion supported by the Alfred and Anna Grey Excellence Scholarship.

Before beginning my academic journey, I spent two defining years traveling in East Asia, Europe and America. You can find more details about this in the Travel section.


[Mar 2024] Our workshop paper on decision-making with Deep Latent Particles has been accepted to the GenAI4DM Workshop at ICLR 2024.
[Jan 2024] ECRL has been accepted to ICLR 2024 as a Spotlight (top 5%)
[Oct 2023] Our paper on Entity-Centric Reinforcement Learning (ECRL) has been accepted to the GCRL Workshop at NeurIPS 2023 as a Spotlight Talk.